Monday 5 May 2014

The Start of a Dream, And a Reverie For You.

My name, to those I say it too often to, is Lucas Charlston. I caught the writing bug when I was six years old, and I have written virtuous stories like Super Mario vs the Terminator:
Terminate me? You're a fungi guy. Get it? No? Mamma Mia!

To the impressively noteworthy writing about friends, family, and I being stuck in a video game.


Bad Photoshop, or did a wizard do this? Find out in my new story.

Joking aside, I am starting a blog to showcase the imagination I have, to ask you to join me in this journey of conquering the world of publishing your own book, and with the start of my dream this Blog will aspire you to go further in your own writing or bring back the hope you have lost on being an author. Because if I can do it, you can do it too. So, I should do what all good stories do, and give you a foundation where my book creation came from fellow readers.
      I began this quest on being an author in a sizzling summer in 2007 while working in an outside Bottle Depot in Kamloops. I came up with the idea for my book, The Staff in the Stone, when I had to face the realization that magic was gone in this world, and I will never be able to be in the same wonderful worlds as David Edding's Belgariad series, Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden's Books, and Jim C. Hines's Libriomancer in real life. They were only books. But, I would be able to live my own world if I wrote. So, naturally, I wrote about a boy who was stuck in a bottle depot, and found an old man and his pet to bring back the vanished magic to this planet Earth. I'm now on my 7th revision on Chapter 13 of the 2nd self edit of my book, and after seven years I'm only on my second edit. To you, the reader you should always have hope, and you should know that writing a book will take a long time. Not a year, not two, or three. It will envelope your life, and take you a life time to complete. So, don't lose hope that you have to edit your book twelve times, and think positively that you are able to change your past twelve times, in a book. That's a good reason to keep writing your own story. The secret to any good writing is to never give up, and say you are an author. 
Live and learn,


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